Retreat Vision

The Women's Empowerment Retreat (WER) (Est. 2011)

Our mission is to equip every woman that attends this retreat with the tools needed to survive, thrive, and conquer beyond her present situation, circumstances, pain or sorrow. The level of ministry that will take place in this retreat will be authentic, holistic, transparent, and very timely to what each woman is experiencing at this stage of their life as a mother, wife, career woman, woman in ministry, and a daughter of the Most High God.


Every year the women leave this retreat experience REVIVED, RENEWED, RESTORED. 



Our VWN Retreat ministers to the heart, mind, and spirit of the TOTAL WOMAN. 

Married, Single, Engaged, Divorced/Widowed, Moms, Caregives of Special Needs Children, Women Ministry Leaders, Pastor & First Ladies, and the Prophet & the Psalmist Wife.